Location of the Congress

Audytorium Maximum Building, Adam Mickiewicz Assembly Hall, Warsaw University (The Central Campus)

Adam Mickiewicz Assembly Hall is placed in the Central Campus of Warsaw University. The building of Audytorium Maximum was constructed in the 1930s and reconstructed between 1951 and 1952. The last renovation took place in 2012. As it can hold 1000 people, Adam Mickiewicz Assembly Hall is the biggest hall of Warsaw University. It is sound-equipped and is ready for computer and projector presentations. The Assembly Hall is adjusted to the needs of disabled persons. If needed, we can also provide sign language translation.


Location of Audytorium Maximum, Warsaw University (The Central Campus)

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How to get to:

Audytorium Maximum (point B)
The Central Railway Station (PL Dworzec Centralny) (point A)

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Audytorium Maximum (point B)
The Western Railway Station (PL Dworzec Zachodni) - PKP (point A)

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Audytorium Maximum (point B)
The Eastern Railway Station (PL Dworzec Wschodni) (point A)

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Audytorium Maximum (point B)
The Western Bus Station (PL Dworzec Zachodni - PKS) (point A)

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Audytorium Maximum (point B)
Warsaw-Stadium Bus Station (PL Dworzec Warszawa Stadion – PKS) (point A)

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Audytorium Maximum (point B)
Frederic Chopin Warsaw Airport (PL Port Lotniczy im. F. Chopina) (point A)

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Audytorium Maximum (point B)
Modlin Airport (PL Port Lotniczy w Modlinie) (point A)

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The distance from the Main University Gate to the Adam Mickiewicz Assembly Hall in Audytorium Maximum Building.


 Audytorium Maximum Building

The interiors of Adam Mickiewicz Assembly Hall